You want to complete the omra ? Leave with Haramain Voyages to perform one of Islam's greatest worship rites. But first, find out a little about this Islamic rite.
The word "omra" in Arabic is synonymous with the word "ziyara", which means "visit". However, the religious meaning is more precise, "omra" translates as "visit to the sacred house under specific conditions".
Moreover, it is a form of worship which, like all forms of worship, must be exclusively for Allah. It must also be performed in accordance with the Koran and the Sunnah.
The scientists have differed as to the obligatory nature of the short pilgrimage, but the most correct opinion is that it is obligatory. At least once in the believer's life if he is able.
You should also know that the rites of this adoration are particularly simple. In fact, it can be carried out quickly, in just a few hours.
First of all, we need to remember the basis of all worship: the niyya (intention) to perform this worship exclusively for the satisfaction of Allah. Find out how to make the short pilgrimage:
Like the hajj, the minor pilgrimage is based on pillars. This means that if one of its pillars is missing, the minor pilgrimage is invalid.
Here they are:
Firstly, there is the'ihramwhich can be translated as the state of sacredness. This is performed in a specific place and involves a number of prohibitions. Men must dress in a specific garment consisting of a loincloth and a white houppelande. Women may dress normally in decent Islamic clothing.
Once you have reached a state of sacredness, you will arrive at the miqat. The place where you must set your intention to perform the omra. Then you will begin to recite the talbiya until you arrive at the sacred mosque of Makkah.
Once you have arrived, you will have to perform the tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba. This consists of making seven complete turns, the first three of which are quick. Then perform the prayer behind the Ibrahim station.
Finally, there is the Sa'y (the procession), which is the shuttle between Safa and Marwa. These mountains are about 100 m from the Kaaba.
In addition to the pillars, this worship has two obligations:
The ihram is carried out in its miqat, the predetermined place from which one must enter a state of sacredness.
And the total shave or haircut that marks the end of the little pilgrimage and the desacralisation.
Finally, it goes without saying that you should refrain from any reprehensible act such as bad character, obscene words, lying, etc. In this way, you can hope for the full reward and acceptance of your worship. In this way, you can hope for the full reward and acceptance of your worship.
The benefits of the short pilgrimage are numerous. Indeed, there are many hadiths on the subject. In particular, there is a hadith of the Prophet (Sallalahu wa alayhi wa salam) reported by Abu Hourayra which indicates that sins are expiated from one omra to the next.
To do so, come and join us for this magnificent worship.